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September 19, 2008


Hopefully Anonymous

An interesting data point regarding paragraph 2. in the post above:



I've long favored a lot more states (breaking up heavily populated ones into smaller ones) as well as the dissolution of the U.S into its constituents.

There were lots of women on the O.J jury. But they were black women and their race trumped their gender.

Kevin McDonald has a surprisingly long preface to Culture of Critique which reminds me of some of your ideas on Jewish group strategy.

I'd like to see more data from the poll cited in the Breitbart article.

Hopefully Anonymous

"There were lots of women on the O.J jury. But they were black women and their race trumped their gender."

Good and relevant factoid. I think that was a component of the socializing narrative. White woman and white jewish guy as victim, blacks siding with OJ, whites siding with Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson. It would be interesting to drop 2004+ Obama into that cultural moment and see how he would innovate in the middle of a senatorial or presidential run.

Hopefully Anonymous

to my proposed governmental structure I'd like to add the excellent idea of staggered terms, allowing higher powered executives to be more resistant to changes in mass attitudes and lower powered executives to be more responsive and reflective of it.
1st two levels: 4 year terms (limit of 2)
2nd two levels 2 year terms (limit of 4)
3rd three levels: 1 year terms (limit of 8)

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